Meet our first For Care Partner grant recipient : Krys Rockwood

Krys is the care partner to her husband Dean. Dean had his first stroke almost 5 years ago. I met Krys through a private support face book page that is for the care givers of stroke survivors. Krys cares for Dean 24/7 and sells her art she creates to supplement his disability income. You can see her work and follow her page here: I have admired all she does for Dean, her love for him, her faith and positive attitude. We are so happy to provide some relief in her life so she can keep doing what she is doing with a little less stress for a while. Here is what Krys had to say about receiving this gift from For Care Partners.

A big smile from Krys with her big ice cream!

I was blown away when I found out that I was the recipient of funds from "For Care Partners". Completely elated! I didn't even know they existed... Since my Sweet Mr's strokes nearly 5 years ago, most all of my focus has been on him & his needs. I basically left everything "normal" in life, to become his fulltime, UNpaid caregiver, 24/7/365 days a year. This means we're living on my Sweet Mr's meager disability pay, which doesn't even cover our rent. Thankfully there are giving angels around us. It's not an easy life, but I try my best to make the most of it & I am committed to helping my guy have the best life possible, for whatever days he has left. Which I pray are many & that I can help him enjoy life as much as he is physically able, in spite of his stroke deficits. Caring for another full-sized human is not for the faint hearted. One day, your life is going along, normal speed, then the next day strokes happen & soon you find yourself coming home with what can seem like a giant special needs child in your care. You become a human yo-yo, back & forth with their needs, all day, every day. In the night too. All the while still trying to help them keep on doing whatever they still "can do", because I'm a firm believer in use it or lose it. They might be able to do a few things, a lot, or nothing at all, depending on their strokes. Everyone is different & there are thousands of scenarios... My guy responds well to me & even though I was told he probably wouldn't make it, miracles do happen & I am SO thankful I still have him. He is my forever person... I have tons of faith & I know, without a doubt that God will always take care of us. Receiving this money is proof of that. It's a Godsend & will lighten my load a bit for a couple of months & for that I am so grateful. Even though I know it's meant for me, as a caregiver, my frugal side will use most of it to pay regular monthly bills (mainly rent) & put some fuel in our gas tank. Plus, I will buy myself a new pair of slippers, to keep my feet warm during the winter. My splurge!... I pray that people will continue to donate to "For Care Partners", to help other caregivers, like me, who would never be able to work a job AND care for their person. There is no way I could do what I do, every day & in the night's too, plus work a job. As it is nowadays, I rarely leave the house, yet I am completely spent most days. Not only am I caring for my guy, but I also manage the entire household's chores, plus everything outside in the yard & the dog as well. Being a caregiver is a lot of work & involves doing things most people could never imagine. It can be extremely grueling some days & yet it is also very rewarding... Then one day, someone comes along who makes life a little bit easier for a while... Thank-you so much, "For Care Partners", for choosing me.”

Krys’ Sweet Mr and stroke survivor - Dean Rockwood with his pup Fancy.


Meet our second For Care Partner grant recipient : Dylan Jangula