Meet our third For Care Partner grant recipient : Treasure Hohl

Treasure Hohl, is a mother, grandmother, wife and now care partner. She and James have been together for over 30 years. They have had a blessed life with love and family. Then stroke struck James almost a year ago and Treasure has had to give up working to be his 24/7 care partner. Please read her words below about their journey and what this financial gift means to her.

Treasure Hohl’s words:

“James and I have been together 30 years. We have 6 adult children and 3 grandchildren. We have lived a very blessed life. So when he had his stroke on his 59th birthday December 6th 2022 our whole life turned upside down. The stroke left him physically and mentally disabled. My once strong, creative and adventurous husband was now forever changed. He has since has seizures and has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. His brain has been through so much but he tries so hard everyday to improve.

Over this last year we have both had to learn this new life. This has changed me as much as it had changed him. I’ve had to learn how to bathe, transfer and care for my 6”3’ husband. But I’ve done like I always do, I push. I push to learn this new life, I push to get him the therapy he needs and I push to make sure he has everything he needs.

Recently I have had to leave my job in retail management. It was really hard for me to accept. It has felt like I was giving up another part of our old life. But it’s what I’ve had to do to make sure he gets everything he needs.

We will be moving in with our daughter soon with our 3 grandchildren. I will be a full time wife, mother, Nana and caregiver. We will have the blessing of seeing our grandchildren everyday and they will bring love and laughter into our lives.

I don’t know what the future holds for my husband or myself. But I will make sure he is loved and cared for until his time on earth comes to an end.

This money really means so much to us. We are going to be able to get moved into our daughters house without having to worry about the moving expenses. Now together as a family we can take care of James and lift some of the burden off of me. We truly can’t thank y’all enough.”

Treasure and James Hohl.


Our fourth recipient of a For Care Partner grant is : Landon Isabell


Meet our second For Care Partner grant recipient : Dylan Jangula