Our fourth recipient of a For Care Partner grant is : Landon Isabell

When he heard the news of his father’s stroke, Landon dropped everything he was working toward in Oregon to move home to Missouri to be his care partner. This is another special story and truly special person we found to help with a grant from our fundraiser. Please read his brief story below.

Landon’s personal words:

“In March 2022 I was running my brand new food truck that I rented with a small loan from a friend. We had been open only 3 months when I got a call my dad had suffered a major hemmoragic stroke and he wasn’t expected to live. I rushed to the hospital and he was recussitated and miraculously lived through it. Suffering right side paralysis and aphasia he could no longer eat, walk, or speak. Several months later, his peg tube was removed and he came home from a long string of therapy and nursing facilities. At this point I was only able to take care of my dad full time, as I was the only one both willing and able to do it. I closed my restaurant and we have been living together in his studio apartment ever since. I feed him, take care of all hygiene, help him relearn to walk, acquired him a nustep bike for $500 off marketplace so he can do some exercise every day. All summer and spring I grew him an organic garden. I got his triglycerides down from 500 to 70. We use resistance bands and hot water therapy and I massage his muscles to stimulate them. I do all his appointments, treatments, medications, shopping, and I am grateful to do it. This man has done everything and more for me since the day I was born. He still can’t walk alone, but he hasn’t deteriorated thanks to the work we are able to do together. He may plateau, but at least he isn’t getting worse. He can now eat real food and communicate with some labor. We are grateful every day just for more time together to watch the trees change through the seasons and watch the Andy Griffith show together. This gift will mean me being able to get car insurance again, I will be able to pay off a tax bill that has been looming, and I think I’ll take Dad on a little road trip to his favorite cemetery. Thank you so much Hollie 

Landon and his father Greg


Introducing our fifth recipient of a For Care Partner grant : Ted Fieldseth


Meet our third For Care Partner grant recipient : Treasure Hohl