Introducing our fifth recipient of a For Care Partner grant : Ted Fieldseth

Ted answered the call and stepped up to help his sister and her son during and after a life changing stroke. He is still working, helping his sister, and being there for his nephew. It is not an easy situation to be in but he is there for them and I get the feeling he wouldn’t be anywhere else. This takes fortitude, love and devotion. Keep up the good work Ted.

Ted’s personal words on their story:

“It was April 30th around 4am when I answered a call from my nephew telling me he couldn’t find his mom, her van was running, and the driver door was open. I immediately got dressed and flew out the door, got in my car and made the 7 minute drive to her house!  When I arrived I found things just as my nephew described but became very concerned when I saw her boots laying outside at the bottom of her stairs as if she was trying to get back into the house. Feeling a sense of urgency we both started searching, and calling for her. The temperature was only in the upper 30’s and there was a slight drizzle so after only about 20 minutes we were pretty cold and realized we weren’t properly dressed for the situation. Back in the house, not knowing what to do next, I prayed. When I finished I noticed their dog “Rosco” was acting very nervous so I asked my nephew if he had taken him out in case he knew something we didn’t, to which he replied “no, not yet.” So I responded “well take him out!” Heading back out I went straight into the woods but my nephew followed Rosco. Then about 2 minutes later he called my phone, and when I answered he said “I found my Mom!” Rosco had led him straight to her! She was laying outside, semi conscious, but was unable to speak or stand. She also suffered minor injuries from falling down a flight of stairs and crawling 30 yards to try and make it back to the house. So I picked her up and carried her to my car, got her situated, secured, then raced for the local hospital calling 911 on the way! 

When we arrived I learned her body temperature was only 87 and that they believed she suffered a stroke. So they transferred her to a hospital in St Paul. There we were able to learn the severity of the stroke but also that her low body temperature may have been the reason the swelling did not continue into her brain stem.

After many months of therapy, two T.C.U.’s, and countless fervent prayers from loved ones, as well as people we don’t even know, we finally made it back home! 

We continue to make progress daily and have a positive attitude that her body and mind will recover! It has been difficult though, and expensive as I spent most of my life savings commuting to the hospital daily. I also stopped working for a couple months then returned only able to log part time hours. Plus I took on all responsibilities for my nephew. 

That‘s why when Hollie reached out to me through the For Care Partners organization I was completely blown away! Because it is exactly what we need right when we need it as my credit card is close to its limit! This grant will give us significant relief and offer us a little bit more freedom! 

I’m thankful to God for his continued care for us! I’m also thankful for people like Hollie who take time to put something like this together! She must have tremendous heart! And also I’m thankful for all who lovingly donate to organizations of this caliber! And lastly I’m thankful to still have my sister, my nephew, and a surprising little rescue dog, Rosco!

In closing I would like to say that our mother, aunts, and cousins, along with other friends and family have all played a significant role in her success! And we can’t thank them enough! We know God had His hand of blessing on her that night and both are confident that with His help she will continue to recover! 

With many thanks!


Ted Fieldseth

Ted’s Sister and her dog Rosco


Introducing our sixth and final recipient of a For Care Partner grant for 2023 : Donna Lowe


Our fourth recipient of a For Care Partner grant is : Landon Isabell